It’s fantastic how we can really perceive the preamble of how novelties are approacing in our Life.
For example, when a few months ago I decided within myself that I would go to visit Japan (dream since I was a kid) and I set as deadline year 2018, shortly after the events of my everyday life have begun to resonate with it: the first one – dating back to September 2017 – it happened that my artwork of harmonic geometric pattern was chosen for the cover of the gift box of the popular Marie Kondo’s bestselling books (Italian version by Antonio Vallardi Editore).
Marie Kondo is a consulting business professional who devoted her life to what would become known as the life-changing KonMari Method for organizing and storing.
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up and Spark Joy have both published in 41 regions and countries, and sold over 5 million copies worldwide.
I have not yet read hers books, but at a glance what unites us is the spiritual connotation of approaching a subject. Different media, the same goal: happiness.
I hope to meet her when I’ll be in Japan, and give her a hug.